Tuesday, May 21, 2019
9:00am New York
2:00pm London
3:00pm CEST
4:00pm Ethiopia

What is a healthy diet?  This Ag2Nut webinar presents how 90 countries have answered that question, sharing results from a newly-published Global Review of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG). The number of countries with FBDG is slowly increasing, and the newest will be Ethiopia, which is currently in the process of developing FBDG for the first time.  This discussion will give an inside view into how countries define healthy diets that are appropriate for nutrition, culture, and the specific food system of a place.

The webinar will be recorded.

Event page

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Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus today called for a complete change in the ways to address the often-related issues of hunger and conflict. He made the appeal at an event at FAO headquarters in Rome highlighting progress made by the FAO-Nobel Peace Laureates Alliance for Food Security and Peace.