The Tripartite – a joint effort by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Animal Health Organisation (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO), launched the AMR Multi Partner Trust, which is being supported with an initial $5 million from the Government of the Netherlands.
FAO today launched a new Corporate Framework on Rural Extreme Poverty to accelerate the UN agency’s and its partners’ efforts towards eradicating extreme poverty for all people by 2030 - target 1.1 of Sustainable Development Goal 1 – end poverty

The SDGs Dashboard, launched by iTechMission, is a data-driven initiative that supports tracking and monitoring of the SDGs. This practical tool supports data monitoring and reporting of the SDGs and enables a broad range of stakeholders to track SDGs performance and enable analysis based on innovative visualizations and tools for exploring data from global data sources. This resource is an initiative to engage and align all UN and government agencies towards evidence based decisions and data insights. It is a fully customizable cloud-based open source dashboard and can be adapted by any country to track, monitor and report data on goals most critical to them. 

iTech Mission an ISO certified social enterprise.

This video gives a quick overview of the Dashboard.