FAO and the Italian innovation global platform Seeds & Chips have joined forces to promote food innovation and education, with a strong focus on strengthening youth engagement and awareness-raising initiatives to fight hunger and malnutrition and achieve sustainable development.
“Digital innovation is a very promising field to help countries implement sustainable agricultural practices,” the DG said in his introduction to FAO’s inaugural International Seminar on Digital Agriculture Transformation.

12-13 June 13, 2019 
Annexet and Quality Hotel Globe 
Stockholm (Sweden)

EAT Stockholm Food Forum is a carefully curated event, open to up to 1000 delegates by invitation only, which gathers top global thought leaders from science, politics, business, civil society and beyond. This event seeks to drive progress, share knowledge and help coordinate action across sectors and disciplines to embrace solutions that will transform the global food system.

The 2019 forum will be informed by the findings of the landmark report by the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health launched on January 17, 2019. More details on the program will be available in spring 2019.

Registration is now open! Apply for a delegate pass here   

More info available here

12-13 June 13, 2019 
Annexet and Quality Hotel Globe 
Stockholm (Sweden)

EAT Stockholm Food Forum is a carefully curated event, open to up to 1000 delegates by invitation only, which gathers top global thought leaders from science, politics, business, civil society and beyond. This event seeks to drive progress, share knowledge and help coordinate action across sectors and disciplines to embrace solutions that will transform the global food system.

The 2019 forum will be informed by the findings of the landmark report by the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health launched on January 17, 2019. More details on the program will be available in spring 2019.

Registration is now open! Apply for a delegate pass here   

More info available here

On World Day Against Child Labour, FAO urged nations to pay greater attention and allocate more financial resources to addressing child labour in domestic and local food supply chains and in subsistence farming where the vast majority of child labour in agriculture occurs.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Korea Telecom (KT) today agreed to work together to create more opportunities for youth to engage in smart farming and other forms of agricultural innovation and entrepreneurship.
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva today warned about the important cultural, social, environmental and heritage loss linked to the erosion of sustainable local diets, including the Mediterranean diet.
This was FAO's message at the opening today of a ASTF Round Table of Contributors in Malabo that has brought together heads of states and government, ministers and other representatives of the development community to recapitalize the Fund and launch a more ambitious second phase.
The FAO chief's remarks came on the first day of the Future of Food international symposium, which included a roundtable with representatives of academia, and also the signing by FAO of partnership agreements with seven universities and research institutions.
The food systems of the future must deliver healthy and quality food for all whilst preserving the environment, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today as he called for a transformation of food systems to improve people’s diets.

10-11 June 2019
FAO HQ, Rome (Italy)

While undernutrition persists, we are witnessing an unprecedented rise in obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases, including in low- and middle-income countries.

What is wrong with our food systems? How will we feed a growing and urbanizing world population with natural resources that are limited and are being depleted?

FAO is convening a 2-day symposium on The Future of Food, bringing together academics, researchers, policymakers, representatives from civil society and private sector, parliamentarians and government agencies to discuss these questions (and many more) and to explore pathways to a sustainable future of food and healthy diets for all.

A High Level Event on the Mediterranean Diet is organised on Tuesday 11th June, from 14:00 - 15:00 Rome time (GMT+2).

Live-stream is available here.

Global food prices rose for the fifth consecutive month in May, pushed up by rising prices of cheese and maize due to adverse weather conditions. The FAO Food Price Index averaged 172.4 points in May, up 1.2 percent from the previous month while still 1.9 percent below its level in May 2018.