The Global Nutrition Report commitment tracking tool provides you with the latest data on commitments to end malnutrition made by country governments, civil society, business, the UN, donors and other organizations at Nutrition for Growth summits.

The 2019 Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that while the world has made gradual progress in reducing hunger on a global scale since 2000, this progress has been uneven. Hunger persists in many countries, and in some instances progress is even being reversed. The GHI highlights where more action is most needed.

This year’s GHI highlights the inextricable link between hunger and climate change and the shared urgency of solving two of the world’s greatest challenges. As climate breakdown accelerates, it is clear that all sections of society—nations, donors, businesses, NGOs, and communities—will have to put their shoulders to the wheel to arrest this environmental devastation and ensure we set a course for genuine global sustainability, universal food security, and Zero Hunger.

GHI2019’s report includes a closer look at hunger and undernutrition in Haiti and Niger, with an examination of the main factors contributing to hunger and the policy environment in which those factors operate. Both countries face serious hunger and are already being severely impacted by climate change. Although the two countries are implementing a range of programs and policies to improve people’s food security and nutrition, they require additional efforts and support if they are to achieve a sustained positive impact.

Global Hunger Index 2019