Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger has slowed in Asia and the Pacific despite strong economic advances, highlighting the need for concerted policy actions to tackle the increasing complex nature of challenges ahead, Member Countries were told during a side event at FAO Conference.
Small freshwater fish around Africa offer a large and neglected opportunity to boost food and nutrition security, according to a new FAO working paper investigating an array of species and related livelihoods that too often are undervalued.
Political will is the fundamental and necessary ingredient to eradicate hunger and all forms of malnutrition - including overweight and obesity - in Latin America and the Caribbean, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today.
Stepped up and concerted actions are needed in Africa if the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger and the more ambitious Malabo hunger target are to be met, Member Countries were told during an event on the sidelines of the 41st Session of the FAO Conference.
A new spirit of consensus, the embracing of partnerships and a new cross-disciplinary teamwork approach to tackling food security challenges are now hallmarks of how the Food and Organization operates, outgoing Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva said at the opening of the UN agency’s biennial conference.
Qu Dongyu of China was elected Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today. Qu Dongyu received a total of 108 votes out of 191 cast, constituting a majority in the first round.

22-29 June 2019
Rome, Italy

The purpose of the FAO Conference is to determine the policy and approve the budget of the Organization and to exercise the other powers conferred upon it by the Constitution, to make recommendations to Member Nations and Associate Members concerning questions relating to food and agriculture, in order for them to be reviewed and implemented through national action; to make recommendations to any international organization regarding any matter pertaining to the purposes of the Organization (Article IV of the Constitution).

The Conference is the sovereign Governing Body of the Organization. It comprises all Members and Associate Members.

During the 41st session of the FAO Conference, FAO's new director-general will be elected by the Organization's member countries. The election will take place at headquarters on Sunday 23 June, and on 1 August, the new director-general will begin their term, which will run for four years until 31 July 2023.

List of documents

Considering the challenges of migration, the scourge of hunger and malnutrition, and the lack of investment in rural development, there is an immediate need to “change the way we do business”, scale up hunger-ending initiatives, and “disrupt the agricultural sector as whole”. This was Graça Machel’s message to participants at the opening of the 41st Session of the FAO Conference on the challenges and opportunities of reaching Zero Hunger.
The Tripartite – a joint effort by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Animal Health Organisation (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO), launched the AMR Multi Partner Trust, which is being supported with an initial $5 million from the Government of the Netherlands.

The SDGs Dashboard, launched by iTechMission, is a data-driven initiative that supports tracking and monitoring of the SDGs. This practical tool supports data monitoring and reporting of the SDGs and enables a broad range of stakeholders to track SDGs performance and enable analysis based on innovative visualizations and tools for exploring data from global data sources. This resource is an initiative to engage and align all UN and government agencies towards evidence based decisions and data insights. It is a fully customizable cloud-based open source dashboard and can be adapted by any country to track, monitor and report data on goals most critical to them. 

iTech Mission an ISO certified social enterprise.

This video gives a quick overview of the Dashboard.

FAO today launched a new Corporate Framework on Rural Extreme Poverty to accelerate the UN agency’s and its partners’ efforts towards eradicating extreme poverty for all people by 2030 - target 1.1 of Sustainable Development Goal 1 – end poverty

The Collaborative Framework for Food Systems Transformation explains how governments and stakeholders, at national or local levels, can apply a food systems approach to policymaking and implementation. The publication suggests practical and easy-to-follow actions for performing analyses of food systems, expanding or reorienting existing activities, integrating policy interventions, and building effective food systems governance.

The publication is enriched with eight cases studies that provide insight into how the principles and actions discussed in the document have been partially implemented in practice.

The Framework is an output of the One Planet Network Sustainable Food Systems Programme and contributes to the Programme’s objective to support countries to shift towards sustainable food systems, and to comply with international commitments, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The recordings of the launch event are available on the One Planet Network website.