4-7 November 2019
Kathmandu (Nepal)

The SUN Global Gathering brings together all SUN Government Focal Points and representatives of their partners from civil society, donor, United Nations agencies, private sector partners, academia, media, parliamentarians and others. It is the flagship event of the SUN Movement and an important moment where members take stock of progress and challenges, share their innovations and learn what is helping to reduce malnutrition across all SUN Countries. It is a moment for every actor to be energised and encouraged through sharing, learning and finding ways to take their fight against malnutrition to the next level.

As in previous years, the SUN Global Gathering will be divided into several sections including plenary sessions, workshops, and a marketplace designed to showcase country experiences in scaling up nutrition. This year, we are also planning plenty of space (and support) where participants will have the opportunity to share their unique experiences and perspectives.

More information available here.

FAO and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation today agreed to boost joint efforts aimed at providing food security and sustainable development for present and future generations, in the context of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are calling for urgent funding to avert a major hunger crisis and for the international community to step up investment in long-term measures to combat the impact of climate shocks and build the capacity of communities and countries to withstand them.

29-31 October 2019
Yerevan, Armenia

The purpose of the conference is to provide an international collaborative platform by bringing together experts from regional and international organizations, scientific and educational institutions, and various governments to address regional food security concerns.

The first two days of the conference will include keynote presentations, panel discussions, poster presentations, and a cultural program. The conference will cover a wide range of issues related to food security: digital agriculture, climate change, natural resource management for food security, among other topics. In addition, participants from different Eurasian countries will share their experience in addressing food and nutrition security challenges and discuss new policy approaches to promote high-value agriculture and policies regarding the use of sustainable agriculture practices.

The field trip program on the third day of the conference will provide an opportunity to explore best practices in food and nutrition security and at the same time enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Armenia. Conference participants will be able to join one of the four field trips offered. They will get a chance to visit a technological fresh mushrooms production, a family-owned wine and brandy factory in the Ararat Valley, as well as one of the leading producers of brandy in Armenia based in Yerevan. Field trip options include a visit to Green Lane Training Center where conference participants will learn about educational and research opportunities at this unique organic farm, and will have an opportunity to have lunch of local products. A field trip is also planned to a new farm and veterinary service center in Kotayk province set up by the Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development (CARD).

More information available here.

“Ocean protection will only succeed if we spend financial and brain power in developing sustainable solutions,” FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu said in a keynote address at the Our Ocean Conference in Oslo.
Today the EU, the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) signed a €40 million, five-year programme (FISH4ACP) to boost the development of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
FAO and the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) have agreed to renew and strengthen their partnership with an eye to globally reducing food loss and waste and assure supplies of healthy and fresh food in an increasingly urbanized world.

The 2019 Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that while the world has made gradual progress in reducing hunger on a global scale since 2000, this progress has been uneven. Hunger persists in many countries, and in some instances progress is even being reversed. The GHI highlights where more action is most needed.

This year’s GHI highlights the inextricable link between hunger and climate change and the shared urgency of solving two of the world’s greatest challenges. As climate breakdown accelerates, it is clear that all sections of society—nations, donors, businesses, NGOs, and communities—will have to put their shoulders to the wheel to arrest this environmental devastation and ensure we set a course for genuine global sustainability, universal food security, and Zero Hunger.

GHI2019’s report includes a closer look at hunger and undernutrition in Haiti and Niger, with an examination of the main factors contributing to hunger and the policy environment in which those factors operate. Both countries face serious hunger and are already being severely impacted by climate change. Although the two countries are implementing a range of programs and policies to improve people’s food security and nutrition, they require additional efforts and support if they are to achieve a sustained positive impact.

Global Hunger Index 2019 

The Global Nutrition Report commitment tracking tool provides you with the latest data on commitments to end malnutrition made by country governments, civil society, business, the UN, donors and other organizations at Nutrition for Growth summits.

The 46th session of the CFS appointed a new chair, Thanawat Tiensin of Thailand to preside over its first-ever Multi-Year Programme of Work for 2020-2023, which was approved on Thursday.
Over the next two years, FAO and FMO will work with members of farmers' organizations, staff of SMEs and rural microfinance institutions to improve agri-business management skills, sustainable agro-ecological and processing practices and food loss-reduction techniques. The pilot project of the partnership will be undertaken in Kenya.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Danone have agreed to work together to improve global nutrition and food safety knowledge, and promote responsible agricultural value chains for more sustainable food systems.