Trade is in many ways at the heart of the world’s pledge to eradicate hunger, FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu said today at a high-level panel at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture exploring the theme of “harnessing trade for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2”.
The FAO Food Price Index rose 2.5 percent in December to reach its highest level in five years. The prime driver was an increase in quotations for palm oil for use as a biofuel.

All children have the right to adequate nutrition and good health to reach their full potential within their cities and communities. Urban food environments need to provide children, their families and communities with permanent access to nutritious food that is healthy, affordable and sustainably produced.

Together, EAT and UNICEF are seeking to improve urban food environments for healthy and sustainable diets among children and adolescents, to the benefit of entire communities. The content in this brochure highlights the vital elements of a child rights approach3 to creating healthy food environments that are so important to securing healthy diets for all, now and in the future.