24-25 April 2020
The Fourth GlobalFood Symposium will be held on 24-25 April 2020 in Göttingen. The aim of this Symposium is to discuss new research findings and policy challenges related to the global agri-food system transformation. The two-day conference will feature plenary sessions with invited speakers, contributed paper sessions, and posters. Confirmed speakers include Jessica Aschemann-Witzel (Denmark), Chris Barrett (USA), Jessica Fanzo (USA), Jill Hobbs (Canada), Prabhu Pingali (USA), Catherine Ragasa (USA), Tom Reardon (USA), Lucia Reisch (Denmark), Jo Swinnen (USA), and Rob Vos (USA).
Registration is now open!
For registration, please follow this link.
For further details please follow this link.
The Conference Program (Preliminary Version) can be found here.
Global agri-food systems are undergoing a rapid transformation, involving new food standards, new technologies, novel forms of vertical coordination, changing consumer preferences, and various other trends. The ramifications for trade flows, industry structure, competitiveness, social welfare, and the environment may be far-reaching but are not yet well understood. Developing countries in particular face technical and institutional constraints, potentially impeding successful participation in emerging value chains. This may have implications for poverty, food security, nutrition, and sustainable development.
The GlobalFood Program at the University of Göttingen carries out research along these lines in collaboration with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and other partners.