The initiative, launched by the Government of Italy and led by FAO, is gaining momentum, as more countries are joining the initiative in an effort to tackle medium and long-term adverse impacts of the current pandemic on food systems and agriculture.

Putting healthy, affordable and sustainable diets at the heart of a human-rights based response to COVID-19

This narrative was created by members of the UN Interagency Task Force on NCD’s Nutrition Working Group. Members represent UN agencies and partner organisations who work collaboratively to raise awareness and strengthen action towards reducing all forms of malnutrition and diet-related NCDs. 

Read the full advocacy piece here.

The narrative advocates for strengthened action on nutrition to stem the rising food and nutrition crisis that threatens to violate human rights and worsen what is already the leading cause of ill health globally – malnutrition.

It details both the pathways through which the impact of COVID-19 is likely to impact on nutrition, as well as providing a list of areas where UN agencies and their inter-governmental organization partners have focused attention to advance the nutrition agenda and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on malnutrition.