The German Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety through its International Climate Initiative today announced it is providing €20 million for a new programme co-led by FAO and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), to accelerate climate change action in developing countries' agricultural and land use sectors.
FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, said today innovation was vital to build resilience and competitiveness in agriculture and to meet the urgent challenges presented by climate change.
FAO and the Global Pulse Confederation (GPC) today agreed on a three-year partnership to promote cultivation of foods such as lentils, dry beans, dry peas and chickpeas and to advocate for their high nutritional values.
Through this new partnership, the UN food agency and private sector partner will ascertain how renewable energy is currently used and how it could be scaled up in food production, processing and preservation as well as work towards creating a more enabling policy environment for the use of new energy efficient technologies in the region.
FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu today praised Member countries and thanked them for their endorsement of his proposals to forge FAO into a more transparent and efficient organization that can play a better and more dynamic role in global efforts to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
More than a quarter of the world’s forest area is located in drylands, and trees are present on almost a third of the world’s dryland regions, according to Trees, forests and land use in drylands: The first global assessment, which FAO launched today on the sidelines of the U.N. climate summit.
The FAO Food Price Index, which tracks monthly changes in the international prices of commonly-traded food commodities, averaged 177.2 points over November, up 2.7 percent from October and 9.5 percent from the same period a year earlier.
FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu today pointed to the UN agency's new Hand-in-Hand Initiative as an innovative business model and a unique opportunity through which partners across the public, private and other sectors can work together to end poverty and hunger and build prosperity in developing countries.
FAO launched today a three-year Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control to scale up efforts to curb the growing spread of the invasive pest which is causing serious damage to food production and affecting millions of farmers across the world.
Supporting local farmers and food producers is crucial to promote sustainable, healthy diets in a context where overweight and obesity rates around the world continue to grow mainly due to the over consumption of highly processed foods.
FAO and the Government of Kuwait have agreed that the UN agency will open a Partnership and Liaison Office in the country in order to step up joint efforts to end hunger and poverty, boost nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture in the Near East region.
FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu vowed to Council day to boost transparency across the Organization and introduced new institutional structures to achieve stronger results in two of his focus areas – innovation and the interests of SIDS, LDCs and LLDCs.