Open until: 

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and the FSN Forum are pleased to invite you to take part in the online consultation CFS policy process on the development of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition

You are invited to share your comments on the V0 Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines. Your inputs will feed into the preparation of the first draft, which will be negotiated in spring 2020. 

Further information is available online in EnglishFrench and Spanish. In preparing your contribution we kindly ask you to use the template for submissions, which is also available in EnglishFrench and Spanish.

To submit your contribution, you can upload your completed template as an attachment to your comment on the FSN Forum website or send it to

The consultation will be open until 2 August 2019.


The e-consultation outcomes will contribute to the preparation of the First Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines, which will be negotiated in spring 2020. The final version of the Voluntary Guidelines will be then presented for consideration and endorsement by the CFS Plenary at its 47th Session in October 2020.

Through this e-consultation, CFS stakeholders are kindly invited to answer the following guiding questions using the proposed template:

  • Does Chapter 1 adequately reflect the current situation of malnutrition and its related causes and impacts, particularly in line with the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda? What are the underlying problems that currently hinder food systems to deliver healthy diets?
  • What should be the guiding principles to promote sustainable food systems that improve nutrition and enable healthy diets? What are your comments about the principles outlined in Chapter 2? Are they the most appropriate for your national/regional contexts?
  • In consideration of the policy areas identified in Chapter 3 and the enabling factors suggested in paragraph 41 of the Zero Draft, what policy entry points should be covered in Chapter 3, taking into account the need to foster policy coherence and address policy fragmentation?
  • Can you provide specific examples of new policies, interventions, initiatives, alliances and institutional arrangements which should be considered, as well as challenges, constraints, and trade-offs relevant to the three constituent elements of food systems presented in Chapter 3? In your view, what would the “ideal” food system look like, and what targets/metrics can help guide policy-making?
  • How would these Voluntary Guidelines be most useful for different stakeholders, especially at national and regional levels, once endorsed by CFS? 

Open until: 

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and the FSN Forum are pleased to invite you to take part in the online consultation CFS policy process on the development of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition

You are invited to share your comments on the V0 Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines. Your inputs will feed into the preparation of the first draft, which will be negotiated in spring 2020. 

Further information is available online in EnglishFrench and Spanish. In preparing your contribution we kindly ask you to use the template for submissions, which is also available in EnglishFrench and Spanish.

To submit your contribution, you can upload your completed template as an attachment to your comment on the FSN Forum website or send it to

The consultation will be open until 2 August 2019.

The e-consultation outcomes will contribute to the preparation of the First Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines, which will be negotiated in spring 2020. The final version of the Voluntary Guidelines will be then presented for consideration and endorsement by the CFS Plenary at its 47th Session in October 2020.

Through this e-consultation, CFS stakeholders are kindly invited to answer the following guiding questions using the proposed template:

  • Does Chapter 1 adequately reflect the current situation of malnutrition and its related causes and impacts, particularly in line with the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda? What are the underlying problems that currently hinder food systems to deliver healthy diets?
  • What should be the guiding principles to promote sustainable food systems that improve nutrition and enable healthy diets? What are your comments about the principles outlined in Chapter 2? Are they the most appropriate for your national/regional contexts?
  • In consideration of the policy areas identified in Chapter 3 and the enabling factors suggested in paragraph 41 of the Zero Draft, what policy entry points should be covered in Chapter 3, taking into account the need to foster policy coherence and address policy fragmentation?
  • Can you provide specific examples of new policies, interventions, initiatives, alliances and institutional arrangements which should be considered, as well as challenges, constraints, and trade-offs relevant to the three constituent elements of food systems presented in Chapter 3? In your view, what would the “ideal” food system look like, and what targets/metrics can help guide policy-making?
  • How would these Voluntary Guidelines be most useful for different stakeholders, especially at national and regional levels, once endorsed by CFS? 

22-29 June 2019
Rome, Italy

The purpose of the FAO Conference is to determine the policy and approve the budget of the Organization and to exercise the other powers conferred upon it by the Constitution, to make recommendations to Member Nations and Associate Members concerning questions relating to food and agriculture, in order for them to be reviewed and implemented through national action; to make recommendations to any international organization regarding any matter pertaining to the purposes of the Organization (Article IV of the Constitution).

The Conference is the sovereign Governing Body of the Organization. It comprises all Members and Associate Members.

During the 41st session of the FAO Conference, FAO's new director-general will be elected by the Organization's member countries. The election will take place at headquarters on Sunday 23 June, and on 1 August, the new director-general will begin their term, which will run for four years until 31 July 2023.

List of documents

The SDGs Dashboard, launched by iTechMission, is a data-driven initiative that supports tracking and monitoring of the SDGs. This practical tool supports data monitoring and reporting of the SDGs and enables a broad range of stakeholders to track SDGs performance and enable analysis based on innovative visualizations and tools for exploring data from global data sources. This resource is an initiative to engage and align all UN and government agencies towards evidence based decisions and data insights. It is a fully customizable cloud-based open source dashboard and can be adapted by any country to track, monitor and report data on goals most critical to them. 

iTech Mission an ISO certified social enterprise.

This video gives a quick overview of the Dashboard.

The Collaborative Framework for Food Systems Transformation explains how governments and stakeholders, at national or local levels, can apply a food systems approach to policymaking and implementation. The publication suggests practical and easy-to-follow actions for performing analyses of food systems, expanding or reorienting existing activities, integrating policy interventions, and building effective food systems governance.

The publication is enriched with eight cases studies that provide insight into how the principles and actions discussed in the document have been partially implemented in practice.

The Framework is an output of the One Planet Network Sustainable Food Systems Programme and contributes to the Programme’s objective to support countries to shift towards sustainable food systems, and to comply with international commitments, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The recordings of the launch event are available on the One Planet Network website.

18 June, from 16:00 to 17:00 (CET)

UN Environment, in collaboration with the One Planet Network Sustainable Food Systems Programme, is launching a  Collaborative Framework for Food Systems Transformation a decision-making tool for food systems actors.  

You can learn more about this Framework by joining the Global Launch Webinar that will take place on 18 June 2019, from 16h to 17h (CET)

Please register at:

About the Collaborative Framework for Food Systems Transformation

The Collaborative Framework for Food Systems Transformation explains how governments and stakeholders, at national or local levels, can apply a food systems approach to policymaking and implementation. The publication suggests practical and easy-to-follow actions for performing analyses of food systems, expanding or reorienting existing activities, integrating policy interventions, and building effective food systems governance.

The publication is enriched with eight cases studies that provide insight into how the principles and actions discussed in the document have been partially implemented in practice.

The Framework is an output of the One Planet Network Sustainable Food Systems Programme and contributes to the Programme’s objective to support countries to shift towards sustainable food systems, and to comply with international commitments, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

17-27 June 2019
World Conference Center Bonn
Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

We will update this page as more information becomes available.

17-18 June , 2019
Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok, Bangkok (Thailand)

The Roundtable will draw on the latest evidence and experience from current nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific programs and will explore the implications for promoting high impact and underrepresented nutrition sensitive food systems including fish agrifood systems and solutions, other animal sourced foods, and new and old heritage crops. The event will also explore the advantages of leveraging public-private partnerships and technologies to encourage high impact nutrition sensitive food systems.
Target participants will be policy makers at national and subnational levels, who are responsible for addressing malnutrition for their government.
In addition, civil society and nutrition-focused organizations (SUN, SNV, Nutrition International, GAIN, etc.), donor organizations (DFID, EC, DFAT, USAID, etc.), relevant UN organizations (UNICEF, WFP, WHO, FAO, UNDP), international and regional NGOs (SUN, GFAR, SAARC, etc.), research institutions (WorldFish, ICRISAT, IFPRI, etc.), and others will be present.

This event is organized by the South Asia Food and Nutrition Security Initiative (SAFANSI).

#FoodwithImpact #NutritionDecade

In April 2016, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2016-2025 the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition through Resolution 70/259.
In April 2018, a first report giving an overview of progress made in implementing the Decade was submitted to the General Assembly by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Paragraph 91 of this report elicited that the Decade’s Work Programme provides for the convening of dialogues among all stakeholders to review progress in implementing the Decade at mid-term and at the end of the Decade, in consultation with Member States as to the format and modalities of such reviews.

This document addresses proposed objectives, content, process and format for the Mid-term Review (MTR) of the Decade.

12-13 June 13, 2019 
Annexet and Quality Hotel Globe 
Stockholm (Sweden)

EAT Stockholm Food Forum is a carefully curated event, open to up to 1000 delegates by invitation only, which gathers top global thought leaders from science, politics, business, civil society and beyond. This event seeks to drive progress, share knowledge and help coordinate action across sectors and disciplines to embrace solutions that will transform the global food system.

The 2019 forum will be informed by the findings of the landmark report by the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health launched on January 17, 2019. More details on the program will be available in spring 2019.

Registration is now open! Apply for a delegate pass here   

More info available here

12-13 June 13, 2019 
Annexet and Quality Hotel Globe 
Stockholm (Sweden)

EAT Stockholm Food Forum is a carefully curated event, open to up to 1000 delegates by invitation only, which gathers top global thought leaders from science, politics, business, civil society and beyond. This event seeks to drive progress, share knowledge and help coordinate action across sectors and disciplines to embrace solutions that will transform the global food system.

The 2019 forum will be informed by the findings of the landmark report by the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health launched on January 17, 2019. More details on the program will be available in spring 2019.

Registration is now open! Apply for a delegate pass here   

More info available here

10-11 June 2019
FAO HQ, Rome (Italy)

While undernutrition persists, we are witnessing an unprecedented rise in obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases, including in low- and middle-income countries.

What is wrong with our food systems? How will we feed a growing and urbanizing world population with natural resources that are limited and are being depleted?

FAO is convening a 2-day symposium on The Future of Food, bringing together academics, researchers, policymakers, representatives from civil society and private sector, parliamentarians and government agencies to discuss these questions (and many more) and to explore pathways to a sustainable future of food and healthy diets for all.

A High Level Event on the Mediterranean Diet is organised on Tuesday 11th June, from 14:00 - 15:00 Rome time (GMT+2).

Live-stream is available here.