All children have the right to adequate nutrition and good health to reach their full potential within their cities and communities. Urban food environments need to provide children, their families and communities with permanent access to nutritious food that is healthy, affordable and sustainably produced.

Together, EAT and UNICEF are seeking to improve urban food environments for healthy and sustainable diets among children and adolescents, to the benefit of entire communities. The content in this brochure highlights the vital elements of a child rights approach3 to creating healthy food environments that are so important to securing healthy diets for all, now and in the future.


The UN General Assembly adopted resolutions designating 2021 as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, 21 May as International Tea Day and 29 September as International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, following requests made by the FAO Conference
The global production and trade of major wood products such as industrial roundwood, sawnwood and wood-based panels have surged to their highest level since the Food and Agriculture Organization began recording forest statistics in 1947.

Published by the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition, this handbook offers a summary of evidence and concrete policy recommendations for countries to provide healthy diets for all. 

The Handbook is an accumulation of the Global Panel’s policy briefs to date, and aims to provide a body of knowledge on how food systems can influence the production and consumption of safe, affordable and healthy diets. 

Produced as an interactive PDF, the Handbook focuses on providing key facts, policy examples and recommendations to stakeholders working across the food system. The target audience for this tool is government policymakers in low- and middle-income countries, technical experts in government, non-government organisations, civil society and the private sectors, students, and academics.

Access the Handbook here.

In an effort to present nutrition related news at the global and country level, UNSCN and the UNN Secretariats are teaming up to deliver Nutrition News providing a comprehensive overview of recent developments supported and/or coordinated by the UN system.

You can access your copy here.

The fourth issue for 2019 includes:

  • Update on the Mid-term Review of the Nutrition Decade
  • UN Highlights from the SUN Global Gathering
  • Food Systems Updates
  • Urban-Rural Linkages & Nutrition
  • UNN-REACH Facilitator as Knowledge Broker
  • Nutrition at the CFS46
  • Putting the Spotlight on School Feeding
  • Madagascar Mapping Exercise
  • Global Nutrition Report Country Profiles
  • Latest Publications and Nutrition Related Events

 Sign up for UNSCN E-Alerts and E-Newsletters here.


Photo Credit: ©FAO Andrew Eseibo


Duty Station: Rome, Italy

Deadline for application: 5 March 2020

Vacancy announcement

Symposium proceedings from the recent IAEA-UNICEF-WHO Symposium on the Double Burden of Malnutrition (DBM) have now been published. The symposium took place in Vienna, Austria from December 10-13th and aimed to strengthen understanding of how to tackle the DBM by sharing recent research findings as well as experiences with the implementation of relevant interventions, programmes and policies.



Particular focus was given to the role of stable isotopes in addressing gaps both in the measurement of malnutrition and in assessing the impact of interventions. The symposium also promoted double-duty actions, new assessment tools, considerations for policies and action plans to support Member States in achieving their defined nutrition commitments within the Nutrition Decade.

You can access all conference materials – including pictures and presentations at the IAEA’s Human Health Campus. This includes poster presentations and media features.

Hunger in Europe and Central Asia is low, but a high number of people are affected by moderate food insecurity, such as limited food and access to nutritious food, as well as overweight and obesity, revealed a new FAO report.
16 December 2019, Brussels –FAO Director-General QU Dongyu hailed the European Union’s pledge to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and praised commitments to protect and restore the world’s forests in an address to the European Council of Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries of the European Union.
FAO and the European Union agree on a five-year €82 million initiative tobe implemented as a United Nations Joint programme in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences (CAFS) agreed to strengthen cooperation and build the capacity and sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture in developing countries.

The Lancet series on the Double Burden of Malnutrition is now available. The double burden of malnutrition is the coexistence of overnutrition (overweight and obesity) alongside undernutrition (stunting and wasting), at all levels of the population—country, city, community, household, and individual.

This four paper Series explores how this coexistence is affecting low-income and middle-income countries. Malnutrition in its many forms has previously been understood and approached as a separate public health issue, but the new emergent reality is that undernutrition and overnutrition are interconnected and, therefore, double-duty actions that simultaneously address more than one dimension must be implemented for policy solutions to be effective. In addition to policy recommendations, the Series includes a focus on both historical and biological contexts, and new economic analysis.


UNSCN was pleased to join 18 other experts from leading organisations in the call for new stakeholders to join the nutrition manifesto. Recognizing that in the Nutrition Decade a new global nutrition movement is emerging that needs to take the lead in demanding food systems change.

Summary brochure and policy brief

Expert Commentary

A new nutrition manifesto for a new nutrition reality

Francesco Branca, Alessandro Demaio, Emorn Udomkesmalee, Phillip Baker, Victor M Aguayo,Simon Barquera, Katie Dain, Lindsay Keir, Anna Lartey, Gladys Mugambi, Stineke Oenema, Ellen Piwoz, Ruth Richardson, Sudhvir Singh, Lucy Sullivan, Gerda Verburg, Patrizia Fracassi, Lina Mahy, Lynnette M Neufeld

 Series papers

1) Dynamics of the double burden of malnutrition and the changing nutrition reality

Barry M Popkin, Camila Corvalan, Laurence M Grummer-Strawn

2) The double burden of malnutrition: aetiological pathways and consequences for health

Jonathan C Wells, Ana Lydia Sawaya, Rasmus Wibaek, Martha Mwangome, Marios S Poullas, Chittaranjan S Yajnik, Alessandro Demaio

3) Double-duty actions: seizing programme and policy opportunities to address malnutrition in all its forms

Corinna Hawkes, Marie T Ruel, Leah Salm, Bryony Sinclair, Francesco Branca

4) Economic effects of the double burden of malnutrition

Rachel Nugent, Carol Levin, Jessica Hale, Brian Hutchinson