Establishing a new business model based on science, data, transparency and accountability and conducive to strong partnerships with the private sector, is a major focus for FAO.
Having Member States’ support and buy-in is paramount to FAO successfully rolling out new initiatives, such as the new Hand-in-Hand Initiative, to help accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals - especially ending poverty and hunger - and not leaving anyone behind.
Transforming food and nutrition systems is central to achieving the 2030 Agenda, FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu said today at a Leaders’ Dialogue on the Sustainable Development Goals as part of the 74th UN General Assembly.
Food systems are huge economic, social and environmental drivers of transformational change,FAO Director-General Qu Dongyusaid today. Turning them into accelerators of progress on the SDGs is essential to achieving several core objectives of the 2030 Agenda, including ending extreme poverty, addressing hunger an all forms of malnutrition, protecting and restoring the world’s biodiversity and natural resources, and combatting and building resilience to climate change.
The Kingdom of the Netherlands has contributed $28 million to back FAO's work to boost the resilience of food systems in Somalia, Sudan, and South Sudan - part of a new initiative to scale-up resilience-based development work in countries affected by protracted crises.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s Director-General Qu Dongyu has called for the food industry to do more to support healthy foods, and to reduce food loss and waste throughout the cycle of food systems from farm to fork.
A new version of SEPAL - System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring – has been developed that enables advanced forest monitoring from mobile phones as well as access to high-resolution data updated daily by a fleet of more than 100 satellites.
A new version of SEPAL - System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring – has been developed that enables advanced forest monitoring from mobile phones as well as access to high-resolution data updated daily by a fleet of more than 100 satellites.

Good nutrition serves as a catalyst for advancement in health, education, employment, empowerment, and the productive capacity of women and men. It can lay the foundation for peaceful, secure, and stable societies. However, several forms of malnutrition (e.g. stunting, wasting, anemia, and obesity) can currently be found in the same country, the same community, the same household, and even the same person—a testament to the complexity of the problem.

For these reasons and more, CARE pledges its support to the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition.

As governments and stakeholders increasingly commit to the Nutrition Decade, and new action networks are formed, CARE will seek pathways for collaboration to support common goals. CARE will also continue to advocate for just and sustainable food and water systems to provide healthy and nutritious diets, engaging governments, the private sector, international bodies, and partners, including in non-traditional spaces. The most recent example of this was CARE’s work alongside CCAFS to raise the ambition in climate action related to food systems for improved nutrition at the UNFCCC (Bonn, June 2019).

With only 5 years left to achieve the World Health Assembly targets to improve maternal, infant, and young child nutrition, and 10 years to reach the Sustainable Development Goals, this mid-way point of the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition reminds us that now is the moment to do more.


For further information, we welcome you to read the full commitment here.


23 September 2019
UN HQ, New York (USA)

Climate change is the defining issue of our time and now is the defining moment to do something about it. There is still time to tackle climate change, but it will require an unprecedented effort from all sectors of society.

To boost ambition and accelerate actions to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, UN Secretary-General António Guterres will host the 2019 Climate Summit on 23 September to meet the climate challenge. The Summit will showcase a leap in collective national political ambition and it will demonstrate massive movements in the real economy in support of the agenda. Together, these developments will send strong market and political signals and inject momentum in the “race to the top” among countries, companies, cities and civil society that is needed to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Information note

Roadmap to Climate Summit

Tackling challenges in the Sahel will require a “common, coordinated and coherent response” to provide people living in the desert region with viable livelihoods and establish resilient agrifood systems, FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu said.
As agriculture is directly engaged with climate change, biodiversity, soil fertility and land degradation, it “holds the key” to bringing together often fragmented stakeholders, FAO's Director-General said at an event on “Nature-Based Solutions”.