IFPRI’s flagship report reviews the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions of 2018, and considers challenges and opportunities for 2019 at the global and regional levels.

Rural people around the world continue to struggle with food insecurity, persistent poverty and inequality, and environmental degradation. This year’s Global Food Policy Report highlights the urgency of rural revitalization to address the crisis in rural areas.


A child’s future health is largely determined in the first 1000 days after conception, meaning pregnancy + the first two years of childhood. Proper nutrition, birth type, breastfeeding during this period is very important and this is supported by many scientific works. Malnutrition in the first 1000 days not only leads to the risk of chronic diseases and psychiatric disorders, but also causes physical, mental and metabolic malfunctions, epigenetic changes and problems in brain development and functions. Maternal stress, unnecessary use of antibiotics or corticosteroids, and toxic exposures lead to the changes mother’s microbiota, weakens immune system, which in turn may cause increase in infections like diarrhea, pneumonia and other atopic diseases. Improper nutrition in the first 1000 days is one of the important factors that can increase mother-child death rate.

Despite all the socio-economic and cultural changes in developing countries, improper and insufficient nutrition are still remaining. Giving too many births, adolescent and late age pregnancies, time period less than two years between pregnancies, high rates of cesarean births, common use of antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids and lack of knowledge about nutrition, difficulties for reaching the essential nutrients, increased frequency of anemia and diabetes during pregnancy, increased cesarean delivery rates, even if the rate of breast feeding is high during the first 24 hours, and rapidly decreasing and early quitting of breast feeding is fairly high are problems which should be solved by us.

In line with these considerations, the “7th International Congress on Maternal, Infant, Nutrition in the First 1000 Days” will be held between 27-30 March 2019 at CVK Park Bosphorus Hotel in İstanbul, Turkey. We welcome you to view the organiser's website for more information.

Wednesday 27 March 2019 - 12:15 PM to 01:45 PM EDT
IFPRI, Washington, DC

IFPRI’s flagship report reviews the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions of 2018, and considers challenges and opportunities for 2019 at the global and regional levels.

Rural people around the world continue to struggle with food insecurity, persistent poverty and inequality, and environmental degradation. This year’s Global Food Policy Report highlights the urgency of rural revitalization to address the crisis in rural areas.

Keynote Addresses

Rapid-Fire Presentations

A light lunch will be provided starting at 11:45am. The event will begin promptly at 12:15pm.

Register here

Unable to attend in person? Click here to watch online.

The latest numbers on how many people are facing acute hunger worldwide will be revealed on Tuesday, 2 April 2019, in Brussels at the high-level launch of this year’s edition of the Global Report on Food Crises.
The European Union has contributed new funding totalling $40.8 million to boost UN resilience-building work in Yemen. Interventions will target the most vulnerable community groups, including women, the unemployed, youth, marginalized minority groups, internally displaced persons and stressed host communities.

With climate change and population growth putting increasing pressure on finite water resources, FAO is urging countries to step up efforts to increase water efficiency and provide access to safe water for all, as it marks World Water Day.

Chefs play an important role in inspiring people around the world to support sustainable food production, adopt healthy diets and avoid food waste. That was the central message of an event today hosted by FAO, UNESCO and the Government of France during "Goût de France" week currently being held in Paris.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Iceland today agreed to work closely together on programmes supporting the long-term conservation of living marine ecosystems and to unlock the potential of the world’s marine and freshwater ecosystems.
FAO marked International Day of Forests today by announcing two new forest education initiatives aimed at raising awareness among children and young people on the sustainable use and conservation of forests. The two projects, funded by Germany with over $2 million, will address major challenges in forestry education and will help increase understanding of forests among the general public.

20-21 March 2019
Washington DC, USA

Convened annually, the Global Food Security Symposium addresses the US government's and international community’s progress on global food security and ensures that new challenges are met with action and innovation.

Since 2013, the Next Generation Delegation program has provided an opportunity for promising students to engage in symposium discussions and to interact with business and policy leaders, civil society, and social entrepreneurs working on agriculture, food, and nutrition issues.

With its focus on pathways to opportunity for the next generation, the 2019 symposium will offer key insights on how to leverage past successes, and invigorate future efforts amidst an evolving global landscape. This unique window of opportunity is a chance to help shape the next decade of leadership on global food security.

More info available here.

UNSCN provided input to the thematic review of the United Nations High Level Political Forum (HLPF), which is set to take place at the UN headquarters in New York from 9 - 18 July 2019. The contribution is in line with the 2019 theme “Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality” and provides guidance on how nutrition can be a connecting force between the SDGs and a catalyst to their achievement. It also emphasizes areas that require urgent attention and the need to accelerate progress in poverty eradication from a human rights-based approach.

The report is available here.


Duty Station: London, UK (some home working maybe agreed)

Duration: Fixed until 31 March 2020 (starting as soon as possible) 

Deadline for application: 1 April 2019 (12.00 noon)

Vacancy announcement